Lawn Care (4)

Armyworm Control in Maryland: What Are They & How to Get Rid of Them

There could be troops invading your Maryland lawn right now … but you might not hear them marching in.

How to Repair Grass Damaged by Dog Urine

You love your dog. He’s a part of your family. In fact, some days he’s probably your favorite family member.

But even man’s best friend needs some looking after. He might be tearing up your yard in spots. Or maybe his regular bathroom breaks are leaving brown spots all over your lawn. And all you want is a nice-looking lawn.

How To Identify and Control Sod Webworms in Your Maryland Lawn

As you’re walking across your lawn, you’d like to enjoy the soft, green grass, as well as maybe a cool, light breeze and some sunshine.

Is Lawn Care Service Worth The Cost? What You Should Know

When people pass your Maryland home, your lawn is the first thing they see. That means you can’t really hide behind it when it’s looking bad.

Dallisgrass vs. Crabgrass: Which Weed is In Your Lawn?

When you want to have a perfect lawn, weeds are your biggest enemy.

They can be tall and leggy and stand above your regular grass, almost mocking it. And they always ruin the look of your well-manicured lawn, taking away from the overall pretty, enjoyable landscape you desire.

Why You Should Get Your Lawn Soil Tested in Maryland

You want a green lawn, and that’s no crime.

But you may not have thought about the fact that you have to actually look beneath your lawn to have a great expanse of green, thick grass.

How to Get Rid of Wild Violet Weeds in Your Maryland Lawn

If you have wild violets in your Maryland lawn, you’re likely getting more and more frustrated each year as you notice them slowly taking over.

Why Does Your Grass Have White Spots? Is it Powdery Mildew?

It can happen suddenly one day in spring.

You’re walking outside to enjoy the warm weather, and instead of the green, rich, thick grass you’re used to sinking your toes into, you find a few silvery, white patches. It almost looks like someone took talc or baby powder and sprinkled it on your lawn.

How To Get Rid of Nutsedge in Your Maryland Lawn

When it comes to your lawn, there are some things you prefer to see and others you don’t.

You like a nice thick stand of green grass that is even in tone and consistent in texture.

8 FAQs About Lawn Care Services in Maryland

We know that as you take care of your lawn, you begin to ask yourself some questions about why it needs nutrients, what soil conditions are optimum for its growth, why weeds crop up when they do, and how to best care for your lawn.