4 Reasons Why You Need Winter Pest Control in Maryland
Take a look outside. It’s pretty cold. Certainly not a ton of flying insects buzzing about.
In fact, it’s pretty quiet out there. You might even think you have nothing to worry about when it comes to pests because this cooler weather has chased them all away. No mosquitoes. No bees. No ants. No problem.
Unfortunately -- and we hate to be the ones to tell you this -- you’d be wrong. While some pests vanish or hibernate during the winter months, there are others that are very tolerant to cooler temperatures. And they take any opportunity to sneak into your warm home to hide, nest, or even make some babies.
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Here are four reasons winter pest control in Central and Southern Maryland may be something you’ll want to add to your to-do list.
Why You Need Winter Pest Control in Maryland
Like us, bugs and critters seek warmth and protection from the elements during the winter months. They want to feel safe and cozy. We can all relate.
Take a look at your home. It’s got some prize amenities that these pests rank as pretty important.
There are four key justifications pest control in the winter is something you shouldn’t ignore.
1. Winter Temperatures Are Never Steady
Have you noticed how Central and Southern Maryland winters can be fairly mild?
One day you’re bundling up in layers because temperatures have dropped and winter feels like it’s set in. But by the weekend, you could be shedding those layers and basking in a warmer 50-degree to 60-degree day.
Just as the little bouts of warmer temperatures are a great feeling for you, guess who else enjoys them? Yep. Bugs. Rodents. And everything in between. Most insects become active at 50 degrees Fahrenheit -- even ants. So when we have a spike in temperatures for even just one day, pests can decide to move around and change up their scenery.
And your home looks pretty inviting, which is why you might need winter pest control in Maryland.
2. Your Home Brings Warmth and is a Great Hideout
Once pests become active and start moving about, they are hunting for a few key things: shelter and warmth are two big ones.
While you’re basking in that one warm winter day, pests already know colder weather is coming back. And so they are busy doing their thing.
Rodents, for instance, can sense weather changes are coming before you do. And they are pretty good at fitting through small spaces. They can also hide well in clutter. The more hoarding you do, the better for them. Before you know it, they felt that warmth from your heater and noticed some great hiding spaces adequate for nestling in. Now they’re quietly building a nest and making your home their home.
Pest control in the winter can stop this from happening. Also, if you have overgrown shrubbery near your home and piles of firewood, pests are hanging out there as well. So it’s only a matter of time before they trade in those digs for a rent-free room in your home.
3. Your Home Provides Moisture and Food
Pests and rodents don’t want to work for their food. Do you have any bags of food open and unsealed? Or maybe pet food or even bird seed left out? They can smell that goodness a mile away.
If your basement is damp and dark, this is also a big draw. First of all, moisture is like leaving the bar tab open for pests. Next, dankness draws all kinds of insects. And those insects draw other bugs that like to snack on them. Think millipedes. They like to eat spiders, so if you have a lot of one, you could be drawing some of the other. Just one more reason you need winter pest control in Maryland.
4. Your Barrier Has An Opening
There are some fairly easy tasks you can do to prevent pests from entering your home in the winter.
First, keep food stored in plastic or metal, sealed containers and your home clean. Don’t leave trash out.
Next, reduce moisture buildup around your home and in storage areas. Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and keep shrubs and trees near the home pruned.
Then, seal any cracks and crevices that lead into your home. You can find openings near basement entry points, foundations, window wells, insulation areas, and around siding.
If you notice spiders about, knock down webs and tidy up around windows and in corners, as well as other dark areas where they tend to hang out. These steps take you most of the way there. But the last step is where things tend to fall apart, and it’s especially important if you’ve already had a pest or rodent problem in the past. You must maintain the barriers to entry because your home is only as secure as its weakest link.
For instance, if you’ve had mice problems before, pest control in winter means maintaining bait stations and traps as a first defense.
And if you’ve had other bugs, this means not neglecting that winter perimeter pest control treatment. The reason many professional companies do quarterly perimeter pest control treatments is because those products only last approximately three months. Once that barrier is broken or weakened, it opens your home up to reentry during any season.
Pest Control in Winter Can Save You Some Headaches
Pests are advantageous. They’re smart. They look for any opportunity to protect themselves and stay alive.
Luckily, bugs are also looking for easy solutions to their problems. Taking precautions to set yourself up for a pest-free winter is a great approach to ensuring these creepy crawlies go somewhere else.
But this can feel like a lot to do when you already have quite a bit on your plate. We understand your dilemma.
If you think you could be having a winter pest control problem or maybe you’ve tried some of the basic deterrence tips, and are still seeing some evidence of pest invasion, hiring a pro can help.
A pest control technician will conduct a general inspection, looking at typical entry spots. They can seal ½-inch or smaller openings and take care of any inside infestations. Then, they can apply a perimeter pest control treatment to keep insects where they belong: outside.
Each quarter they can return to make sure that barrier is secure, answer any questions, and check any areas of concern. Problem solved!
Wondering if you need winter pest control in Central and Southern Maryland? Get started today with a free quote. We’ll review your options together so you can make a great choice. Then you can just sit back and enjoy your home -- without having to share any crumbs.
Image Source: Wolf Spider, Centipede
Take a look outside. It’s pretty cold. Certainly not a ton of flying insects buzzing about.
In fact, it’s pretty quiet out there. You might even think you have nothing to worry about when it comes to pests because this cooler weather has chased them all away. No mosquitoes. No bees. No ants. No problem.
Unfortunately -- and we hate to be the ones to tell you this -- you’d be wrong. While some pests vanish or hibernate during the winter months, there are others that are very tolerant to cooler temperatures. And they take any opportunity to sneak into your warm home to hide, nest, or even make some babies.
Use This Tool to Compare Your Local Pest Control Companies
Here are four reasons winter pest control in Central and Southern Maryland may be something you’ll want to add to your to-do list.
Why You Need Winter Pest Control in Maryland
Like us, bugs and critters seek warmth and protection from the elements during the winter months. They want to feel safe and cozy. We can all relate.
Take a look at your home. It’s got some prize amenities that these pests rank as pretty important.
There are four key justifications pest control in the winter is something you shouldn’t ignore.
1. Winter Temperatures Are Never Steady
Have you noticed how Central and Southern Maryland winters can be fairly mild?
One day you’re bundling up in layers because temperatures have dropped and winter feels like it’s set in. But by the weekend, you could be shedding those layers and basking in a warmer 50-degree to 60-degree day.
Just as the little bouts of warmer temperatures are a great feeling for you, guess who else enjoys them? Yep. Bugs. Rodents. And everything in between. Most insects become active at 50 degrees Fahrenheit -- even ants. So when we have a spike in temperatures for even just one day, pests can decide to move around and change up their scenery.
And your home looks pretty inviting, which is why you might need winter pest control in Maryland.
2. Your Home Brings Warmth and is a Great Hideout
Once pests become active and start moving about, they are hunting for a few key things: shelter and warmth are two big ones.
While you’re basking in that one warm winter day, pests already know colder weather is coming back. And so they are busy doing their thing.
Rodents, for instance, can sense weather changes are coming before you do. And they are pretty good at fitting through small spaces. They can also hide well in clutter. The more hoarding you do, the better for them. Before you know it, they felt that warmth from your heater and noticed some great hiding spaces adequate for nestling in. Now they’re quietly building a nest and making your home their home.
Pest control in the winter can stop this from happening. Also, if you have overgrown shrubbery near your home and piles of firewood, pests are hanging out there as well. So it’s only a matter of time before they trade in those digs for a rent-free room in your home.
3. Your Home Provides Moisture and Food
Pests and rodents don’t want to work for their food. Do you have any bags of food open and unsealed? Or maybe pet food or even bird seed left out? They can smell that goodness a mile away.
If your basement is damp and dark, this is also a big draw. First of all, moisture is like leaving the bar tab open for pests. Next, dankness draws all kinds of insects. And those insects draw other bugs that like to snack on them. Think millipedes. They like to eat spiders, so if you have a lot of one, you could be drawing some of the other. Just one more reason you need winter pest control in Maryland.
4. Your Barrier Has An Opening
There are some fairly easy tasks you can do to prevent pests from entering your home in the winter.
First, keep food stored in plastic or metal, sealed containers and your home clean. Don’t leave trash out.
Next, reduce moisture buildup around your home and in storage areas. Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and keep shrubs and trees near the home pruned.
Then, seal any cracks and crevices that lead into your home. You can find openings near basement entry points, foundations, window wells, insulation areas, and around siding.
If you notice spiders about, knock down webs and tidy up around windows and in corners, as well as other dark areas where they tend to hang out. These steps take you most of the way there. But the last step is where things tend to fall apart, and it’s especially important if you’ve already had a pest or rodent problem in the past. You must maintain the barriers to entry because your home is only as secure as its weakest link.
For instance, if you’ve had mice problems before, pest control in winter means maintaining bait stations and traps as a first defense.
And if you’ve had other bugs, this means not neglecting that winter perimeter pest control treatment. The reason many professional companies do quarterly perimeter pest control treatments is because those products only last approximately three months. Once that barrier is broken or weakened, it opens your home up to reentry during any season.
Pest Control in Winter Can Save You Some Headaches
Pests are advantageous. They’re smart. They look for any opportunity to protect themselves and stay alive.
Luckily, bugs are also looking for easy solutions to their problems. Taking precautions to set yourself up for a pest-free winter is a great approach to ensuring these creepy crawlies go somewhere else.
But this can feel like a lot to do when you already have quite a bit on your plate. We understand your dilemma.
If you think you could be having a winter pest control problem or maybe you’ve tried some of the basic deterrence tips, and are still seeing some evidence of pest invasion, hiring a pro can help.
A pest control technician will conduct a general inspection, looking at typical entry spots. They can seal ½-inch or smaller openings and take care of any inside infestations. Then, they can apply a perimeter pest control treatment to keep insects where they belong: outside.
Each quarter they can return to make sure that barrier is secure, answer any questions, and check any areas of concern. Problem solved!
Wondering if you need winter pest control in Central and Southern Maryland? Get started today with a free quote. We’ll review your options together so you can make a great choice. Then you can just sit back and enjoy your home -- without having to share any crumbs.
Image Source: Wolf Spider, Centipede
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