Pest Control (5)

Why Do I Have Silverfish in My House and How Do I Get Rid of Them?

There’s nothing like a nuisance pest to irritate you as you’re opening up your home in spring.

And one nuisance pest stands out because of its alien-like appearance and fish-like movement. That’s the silverfish.

Voles vs. Moles: How to Tell The Difference & How to Get Rid of Them

Voles. Moles. You may not think there’s any difference between them. In fact, they sound so similar, you might just think we’re starting to go into a children’s nursery rhyme. I am a mole and I live in a hole…

But even though these two lawn pests sound similar by name and can cause similar damage to your lawn and landscape, they are actually quite different.

When to Hire Pest Control in Maryland: Don't Wait Until It's Too Late

If you’ve ever seen ants marching around your kitchen countertops or a cockroach scurrying across your hallway floor, you know that cohabitation with bugs is not a welcome experience.

Pest infestations can create an uncomfortable atmosphere in your own home -- a place you prefer to relax and unwind. Depending on the pest, they can also make your home unlivable or cause property damage.

Are Flea and Tick Yard Treatments Safe for Pets?

If your dog has ever had fleas, then you know how hard it can be to remove those pests from your best friend, as well as your home. And if you’ve found a tick or two on your pet, you know they can appear without warning.

3 Spring Lawn Damaging Pests in Maryland and How to Get Rid of Them

Eventually, winter is put to bed and spring comes into the scene.

This is when your lawn wakes up. It goes from a dormant state to full-on growth. It’s one of those signs of spring that make you happy to get outdoors and stick your toes in that soft, healthy, emerald green grass.

Is Preventive Pest Control Worth the Cost?

The idea of quarterly pest control services that keep bugs out of your home may seem unbelievable.

You might even think it’s not worth the cost. Is preventive pest control worth it?

But if you’ve had ants relentlessly crawling across your countertops or cockroaches scurrying on your floors or mice making nests in your garage, you know the feeling of total pest invasion. And you’d likely do anything to avoid a repeat occurrence.

4 Tips for Spring Pest Control in Maryland

Ah, spring. Most people embrace that good feeling when it seems that most of winter is officially behind them. They change parkas out for lighter coats and ditch the gloves and hats, basking in those sunnier, warmer temperatures.

We all love it. Spring brings hope and new beginnings for all of us. And when we say “all of us,” unfortunately, we also mean the creepy-crawly pests that are resting quietly, waiting for their moment to move and become active.

4 Reasons Why You Need Winter Pest Control in Maryland

Take a look outside. It’s pretty cold. Certainly not a ton of flying insects buzzing about.

In fact, it’s pretty quiet out there. You might even think you have nothing to worry about when it comes to pests because this cooler weather has chased them all away. No mosquitoes. No bees. No ants. No problem.

4 Winter Pests to Watch Out for in Maryland & What to do About Them

As the warm weather fades into colder, darker days in Central and Southern Maryland, you aren’t the only one preparing for the upcoming winter.

When that chilly weather strikes, some pests seem to disappear like those flying insects -- mosquitoes, flies, and bees. And you’re happy those nuisance pests and their stings and bites and itchy reactions are gone for the season. Others go into hibernation.

But if you think you’re free of pests for the year, think again.

Lawn Doctor vs. Natural Green: 2 Lawn Care Companies for Central & Southern MD

When you look out your windows at your yard, you may find yourself wanting a better lawn -- something thicker and greener that you can enjoy with your family.

If you do a quick Google search for lawn care services in Central or Southern Maryland, your results will bring up a long list of companies to choose from. The results will reveal companies that are more small-town businesses, as well as those that are larger in size.